Monday, December 24, 2007

The 2007 Roundup

Video thumbnail. Click to play
Click To Play
For those of you that missed the last year's highlights, here they are from 12/06-12/07. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

The Toad Chase

Here's a clip from the Garcia Archives. Happy Thanksgiving!!

Monday, November 19, 2007

11 weeks old

Friday, November 09, 2007

Amoreena is 10 weeks old

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Costume Champion

Here is the Clear Fork Fall Festival Best Costume Champion of 2007!!

Saturday, September 01, 2007

More Pics

Now that she has had some time to freshen up, here she is.

Friday, August 31, 2007

7 lbs and 6.5 oz

The day has finally arrived and little Amoreena Rose Garcia has left her party pad in Club Uterus. She was very "cheesy" when she was born and so I'll refrain from close-ups until the cheese has been removed thoroughly. Mom and daughter are doing well. Danica is trying to catch up on some sleep since last night she got less than an hour of it.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

New Video

Now that I have a little bit of a break from school I'm trying to stay up with the archiving and editing of photos and video. In the process I've decided to make a little movie that I hope Caleb enjoys one day. Please don't think that he's a terrible kid, he was born a savage just like everyone else. It's up to good parents to make them into functional human beings.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Breaking News.....

Our beloved body builder is making impressive gains. It is now official: Danica must turn her belly to the side in order to use the kitchen sink.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Rodeo Boys

Here are the boys learning how to rope and ride down at the Fort Worth Stockyards.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

There are butterflies among us

The cocoons have finally broken and the painted ladies are flying around in their little tent. The boys are amazed at how much these little caterpillars have changed.

Friday, June 01, 2007

Campfire Chat with Maicah

Click on the play button below to hear Maicah discussing his views on babies and superpowers.

Monday, May 21, 2007

The International Circuit

We just finished visiting family for the last week, so here are some highlights. Maicah and Caleb went to their cousin Noah's first birthday party. It went well except that Caleb made himself sick by spinning himself around a pole one too many times. I was surprised how much food could fit into his little stomach.

We visited the ranch in Mexico where my father grew up and went to the river that I spent many summers swimming in. Maicah and Caleb jumped in for a while to cool off. Caleb was feeling wild and went skinny dipping, hence, the distant shots.

Here's Maicah hanging out with some of his distant cousins, Abram and Margarita. I think they would be 3rd cousins for him, but I'm not sure. Abram and Margarita have 40 1st cousins.

The last leg of our trip was S. Padre Island where we relaxed before spending a final night with my parents. We found some marine life that we put in a bucket for a while. It's hard to see, but there are 2 shrimp, 2 small crabs, 6 small clams and some sea slug thing.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

...and the belly grows

Here's a picture of Danica at the Fort Worth Botanical Gardens.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Maicah's New Friend

Maicah found a caterpillar this past weekend and put in his bug box. His new friend is doing well: he's eating leaves and pooping often. Maicah wants to see him or her? turn into a butterfly.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

It's a .......

Girl! Girl! Girl! The first image shows the view from the feet looking upwards to her butt. The other one is a profile of our little girl. Maicah is really excited, Danica is still in shock, and I've always been 100% wrong about guessing the sex of our children.

Friday, March 30, 2007

All Aboard!!!!

Last weekend we went on a trip to see Thomas The Train. Maicah was excited to ride Thomas in his train engineer uniform. Caleb seemed a little more pensive than usual. I'm sure he was contemplating his usual obsessions of cars, toilets, and how the latter can make the previous disappear with the pull of a lever.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Happy Birthday, Maicah!

Today Maicah, sorry, I mean Batman turned 4. He's going to strut around town in his outfit for day 2. In the library, at church, at the park, in the store, everywhere he goes he will be projecting his superhero power. He got a Spiderman bike today along with the Spiderman helmet and knee and elbow pads. He wanted to wear those everywhere also because he wanted to combine his Batman and Spiderman powers. Anyway, here are some pictures of him this morning along with one of his favorite online cartoons.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Omelet Anyone?

Parents know that when a house with children suddenly sounds like a library that it almost always means that they've got their hot little hands on something that they shouldn't be on. Danica busted them after she got off the phone with a friend.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Got Milk?

mom jokes

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Hello, Everyone!

This is the baby at 13 weeks. Can you see the hand waving?

Monday, March 12, 2007

Turner Falls

We went to Turner Falls and the Arbuckle Wilderness this weekend. The kids had a blast feeding the camels and llamas. Their not too crazy about the ostriches.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Our Little Bean

Here's Danica's first sonogram in this pregnancy at 9 weeks. I labeled it as best I could, if that's not good enough, just use your imagination.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Midget Snowman Captured!!!

When we woke up this morning, Maicah noticed a midget snowman wandering our streets early in the morning. We got our weapons and ran outside. Once he saw our superior weaponry, he immediately surrendered without incident. We take curfews seriously in this part of Texas. No snowmen wandering the streets before 0700.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Back to the Grind

Here are some recent pics from the holiday season, including Caleb sporting his new haircut.